Thursday 26 February 2009

Vista SideBar Gadgets

Gadgets are a miniature applications that display one or other information (such as heavy processors), as well as facilitate the implementation of certain tasks.

Vista Sidebar - Sidebar Windows Vista. By default, it is located on the right side of the screen, and slightly different from the rest of his background space on your desktop. Clicking the right mouse button on the toolbar causes the menu, where you can add or change the properties of gadgets.

Vista Sidebar Gadgets - gadgets that are created specifically for Windows Vista, with the format *. gadget. Do not confuse them with Yahoo! Widgets and gadgets for Google Desktop. To install the gadgets you need only to run them and accept the installation.

Despite the 'suitability' and a beautiful design gadgets sidebar Windows Vista is not that useful without using the keyboard shortcuts:

Win Space - excluding sidebar to the fore;
Win G - to switch between the mini-applications;
Tab - the movement between the mini-applications.

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